Wednesday, January 23, 2008

More tweens/teens!

This age is so much fun to photograph. It is so wonderful watching a tween or a teen start to relax and have fun and realize that they are truly beautiful(or handsome!) just as they are! I love to see photos of kids that are just comfortable in their own skin and I really try to convey that in my photos. Relaxed. Natural. Beautiful.

This mom really did a great job picking out clothing colors. It all came together so beautifully!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I am still here! Really!

Oh my poor, neglected blog! I am so sorry for abandoning you for so long. ;)

Wow! The Holiday season is always a crazy time for me. Aside from the usual merriment, I also have 2 of my kiddos birthday parties in Dec./Jan.

The parties are over and things are *somewhat* back to normal around here.

Here are some from a session last year (that sounds so strange!) with 3 of the most handsome guys ever! Seriously!

We had SO much fun that day. I really love my job. ;)