Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Don't be afraid of COLOR!

I know that my paperwork suggests clothing in a similar tonal range and no logos, etc, but that does not mean we should shy away from color!

In the studio, you really do want to stay more low-key with the clothing choices and not go too patterned or bold, but outdoors, anything goes! Well, almost anything (I still prefer to avoid logos and graphics!).

Sweaters, hats and scarves make for amazing portraits! It is fall (according to the calendar anyway!) so let's break out those color knits, those bright hats, fun sweaters and colorful tights! Bold and bright can be so much fun!

The textures also make for some fantastic black and white photos!

So, don't forget to think about some fun, bold colors for your next session!

And, on the subject of bright and fun, here is just a little something to dance around to! Jamiroquai is my *happy music!*

So have a little fun and dance like no one is watching. ;)

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