Sunday, November 25, 2007

Getting back in the groove! :)

Wow, did I ever eat too much! My mother is THE BEST cook! But I had to come down off my food high and get these pictures up. ;) Hope you all had a wonderful Turkey day too!

This little girl looks like a doll! Like an actual doll with perfect skin and features! I kept saying that over and over. Her cheeks, her eyes, her lips! So perfect!

And of course, we cannot forget about the handsome big brother. He had the most amazing eyes and eyelashes. He also had more cool toys than any kid I have ever met!

He loved playing in the leaves. You can tell how high he is going to throw those leaves in this pic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say I was amazed at the pictures since the kids weren't feeling well and just didn't act themselves that day. You sure would never know it! You have such patience and show so much talent. If only the pictures I take were 1/10th as good as yours! Thanks so much for capturing our children's true spirit.