Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I have been TAGGED. :)

Oh my goodness. I am gonna have to post about ME today. My very talented photographer friend Jodi Getz tagged me on her blog.

I love that she calls it "old people tag!" Haha! No running involved.

Okay, so 8 things you don't know about me.

1. I love reality TV. I particularly love MTV's reality TV (Real World, The Hills, Laguna Beach. Yes, all that super cheesy, mindless reality TV!). I am also an avid Big Brother watcher in the summer.

2. I regret never having photographed my father with my children. I do not have any pictures of him with my daughter and only pictures of him with my sons when they are itty bitty (they were 10 and 14 when he died). People, if you own cameras, TAKE PICTURES of your children with their parents (you!) and their grandparents often. Don't worry about the right light, the right clothes, the right location. Take snapshots. They matter more than you can imagine in the big scheme of things. :)

3. My house is never clean enough. With 3 kids it seems impossible to keep my house clean for longer than an hour. I am a neat freak so this stresses me out on a daily basis. :)

4. I feel guilty for driving a V-8 SUV. Every time I go somewhere I think about how much I am polluting the environment! I need to make a change but it is hard with a large family (I know, excuses, excuses!).

5. I do NOT like ice cream! I know, weird, right? Very *very* occasionally, I will have some crazy concoction from Cold Stone Creamery, but I have never been able to eat the whole thing.

6. I am married to the most supportive, positive person I have ever known. I consider myself very blessed to have a built-in cheerleader, motivator, mediator and advisor who asks nothing at all of me. He even does his own laundry!

7. I have a Starbucks everyday. No exceptions. A Venti Sugar-Free Vanilla Non-fat Latte.

8. I think if people are thinking of getting a pet, they should check the local shelters first. There are so many good dogs and cats out there that need a good home. I have a shelter dog and she is the smartest, best dog I know! :)

Now, it is my turn to tag someone! Or 8 some one's!

Kristie Kulik
Carrie Steffe
Cari Lyn Photography
Tara McGlinchey
Christy Lacy
Natalie Knabe
Lisa Russo
Kate Austin


SW said...

Okay so I am a goober. I just saw that you tagged me :) This is perfect b/c I need something to talk about on the ol blog!! Sorry for being a slacker.

carrie-EMAPhotography said...

love reading about you, thanks for the tag!